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Sophie at drama camp
Sophie took a one day session at drama camp. Here she plays a cat and an excited detective
Sophie show: “Swimmy”
Ben’s class trip to the Jewish Children’s Museum
Fun at Whole Foods
Caps for Sale
Sophie birthday party II… at Aunt Michelle’s
Sophie’s birthday party
Daddy does pickup
Trip to Miami
Our trip to Miami was lots of fun. Some highlights:
- It was Ben’s first time on a plane.
- We stayed at a fun hotel and swam every day.
- Grandma and Grandpa drove down to play with us.
- Grandma took Sophie to the American Girl store for her birthday, where she got a new doll and had her hair done (the doll, not Sophie)
- Grandpa got Ben a SpiderBear stuffed animal.
- We played with Jen, Josh, Asher and Henry.