Category Archives: Family

Surprise in Blue Room!

From School Blog:

Yesterday when the children arrived in Blue Room, they walked into a big surprise… our caterpillars, who had already spun themselves into their cocoons in days past, had turned into butterflies!

One of the butterflies was still perched on it’s cocoon as if it had just emerged. The other two were still in the stage of drying their wings. They were waving their wings open and closed and beginning to flutter around. There was only one cocoon (or chrysalis, or pupa) that was still intact and we waited to see if we would see it crack open. It was such a wonderful surprise, and as each child entered the classroom, they were able to make this discovery.

Annabel placed the clementine slices inside the net for the butterflies to feed on. One of the butterflied went straight to the clementine to feed. It stuck out it’s long tongue, or probiscus, and began sucking the juice out. The children in the Blue Room have really enjoyed identifying all of the terms for the parts of the butterflies. skb-butterflies Sophie takes an extra close up look. Next to her you can see a list of some of the name suggestions for the butterflies from the children. Our options so far are: Steve, Jerry, Fingerprints, Paint, Drew, Bussell, Orange, Cory, Gus, and Lily

Soil Exploration (aka Mudpies!)

From Sophie’s school:
As we heard from some Blue Roomers yesterday, Spring is the season for planting! In preparation for new planting activities, today some Blue Roomers first explored soil – with the addition of water – lots of water resulting in some “squishy” mud!

Sophie, Talia, Vivian and Gaby begin work on their mudpies.

Sophie, Talia, Vivian and Gaby begin work on their mudpies.

I Found Treasure!

I Found Treasure!