Monthly Archives: February 2015
Ben at school: week 20
Art Show
Tennis Lessons
Ben at school: week 19
The Daisies have been discovering trees and all the steps of planting them from the beginning until the they are full grown trees. Morah first asked the friends What does a tree have? Some of us said leaves and a trunk. Morah showed us pictures of the roots of a tree and how it look underground. The tree need the roots to drink the water so it can grow to become a big strong tree. Then, the Daisies discussed what comes from a tree? we all said “Apples” Morah explained that all fruit grows on trees like, oranges, bananas and pears. While vegetables grow in the ground like, carrots, onions, potatoes, pumpkins and cabbage. After we discussed the trees Morah asked the friends how do you celebrate your birthday? “eat cupcakes and cake” the Daisies answered. On Wednesday it was the trees birth-day how do they celebrate? do they eat cupcakes? ” No” everyone said together. We eat a special new fruit on Tu B’shvat (trees birthday) and say a special blessing on the fruit. There are also seven fruits of Israel. We discussed that the Beis Hamikdah was in Israel and now there’s only the Kotel (Western Wall). The seven fruit are Dates, Figs, Barley, Pomegranate, Olives, Grapes and wheat. We tried the Dates, Pomegranate, Olives and Grapes. On Tu B’shvat we made the special blessing together and ate a Star Fruit, Rambutan and Passion fruit. The Daisies ate a lot of the yummy fruits in honor of Tu B’shvat.