This week in the Dazzling Daisies classroom we’ve moved right along onto our next topic: Noah’s Ark. The theme comes from the weekly Biblical portion called Noah. Morah started the circle time by telling the story of Noah. A long time ago, the people were not being so nice or kind and sharing, so Hashem (G-D) told Noah to build a big Tevah (Ark) for him and his family. It took Noah a very long time to build the ark because it was so big. It had three floors. The first floor was for Noah and his family. The second, was for the animals, and the third was for the garbage. Finally, when Noah finished building the ark, Hashem told him to collect animals in pairs. Once all the animals were on the boat, Noah shut the door with a big BANG. Immediately, it started to rain. The rain lasted for forty days and forty nights. Noah and his family fed and took special care of all the animals. It rained so much that the whole world became one big giant ocean. After a long time Noah sent a dove/bird out and when he came back he was holding an olive branch that meant it was time to come off the boat. The Daisies started discussing the different animals that went on the boat. Some live on a farm, some in the zoo and some in the sea. We each got to glue on different animal pictures on our graph and place them in the correct living area. Some Daisies told Morah that they have animals at home. Some of the pets mentioned were, dogs, cats and even a parakeet.. We enjoyed looking at some pictures of the Daisies with pets or animals..